Monday, February 18, 2008

Unschooling Catholics Postcard Exchange

Derek is showing off the 21 postcards we received from around the world in our exchange with other Catholic homeschoolers/unschoolers.
2 are from Australia and 1 is from New Zealand. Others are from: Texas, Florida, California, Colorado, Ohio & Illinois.
Which reminds me to show the picture of us at the post office when we mailed our 27 post cards out to the world. We had to buy airmail postage for the 3 out of the country. Derek wanted to do the special stamps. After we did those three I moved on to the others. I said that we mailed the cards by dropping them in the slot.
Derek, had no idea we were standing at a counter and he dropped the cards in...... the Trash!
We had to go back to the busy counter, get the clerks attention and have her send someone with the trash door key to dig through the trash... how could they have been buried in 20 seconds?

Now we are in front of the mailboxes where we mailed our cards from the San Diego Mission.
It was The First Mission established in California by Fr. Serra. There are 23 Missions in total in California.

Derek was still a little flustered so he didn't want to show his face when I took pictures.


momof3feistykids said...

That is SO cool! The kids must be thrilled with all the postcards.

Rachel said...

I see our Atlanta postcard up there! I need to take a pic of all mine too. I have them framing a little doorway near my computer. I showed my kids your postcard, then I showed them the pics of your kids mailing them. It made this big world a lot smaller for them.


Leonie said...

Cool pics! We have glued all ours into a scrapbook - I must post pics...