Saturday, February 21, 2009

many months behind on this Blog

Helloooo family, friends and fellow bloggers….
I’m home alone on a Saturday.
YEAH I'm loving the quiet.
Geoff took the boys out on our boat to look for whales. They migrate by San Diego on their way to Mexico.
Well, actually, Katie is home but she is being a Mom’s helper at the neighbor’s house and they come and go from our house.
The kids are 1 & 3 and our house is “THE PLAYGROUND”.
She brings them over to slide, swing & trampoline for a while and then they go back to their own house.

SO I’m having lots of time to catch up on months of entries on my blog.
Really, months & months!
If you are a regular reader… I think there are a couple of you out there.....
You might want to back-track a couple pages to check out some of the highlights of our months.
Please leave a comment just to say Hi… pretty please.

Derek’s birthday 10/30
11/5/08 to the Audubon Bird Sanctuary.
Katie’s birthday on Dec. 3 and her party pictures.
12/5 Field trip to Wolf Center Encounter
The Christmas Play 12/14
Christmas pictures.
Field trip to the Point Loma Light House. (a partially failed one)
New years @ Lego Land
Field trip to Cabrillo Monument. ...success with the park ranger!
Ski trips in January and February to Big Bear Mountain.

Thanks for sharing our Family & Homeschool Adventures with us on our Blog.
Come Back Soon.


Leonie said...

Hey, I enjoyed looking at some of the blogs on your google reader.
:-) Thanks for sharing!

Willa said...


Beautiful picture on your header!
Where you do ski? it looks a bit like the Sierra summit -- we live not far from there.

Unknown said...

Thanks Leonie & Willa for visiting.

We are skiing at Big Bear Mountain
in the San Bernardino mountains.

Hoping to go to Mammoth next week and ski there and June mtn.
putting the plans together today. :)