Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Official Member of the Sandwich Generation

As of June 30th I became a member of the Sandwich Generation.

Caring for my children while now also responsible for caring for a parent.

So much for our summer.

I've had to spend every day since then doing something for my Father as a result of Parkinson's Disease.

He is 59.

My children are 2, 5 & 8.

I will be a Sandwich for a Long Time. Hmmm, I should pick a flavor. I'm thinking Roast Beef, or Pastrami, I enjoy a ruben once in a while. But there's always my other favorite, Turkey, Bacon & Avocado. Yum.

Today was calling his wife (suffering from a cancer tumor behind her eyeball, found in mid-June). She is doing well. Her 6 wk post surgery checkup was good.

Calling the HMO to find dad a primary care physician in San diego. But that resulted in 9 page forms to fill out.

Just add that to the pile of 21 pages that I got yesterday ...... that need to be done asap.

Well for now my blog will be to vent.

I hope to add funny stuff SOON.

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