Friday, May 04, 2007

organizing our books with Library Thing.

Thanks to the Catholic Mothers Blog List I found The Thinking Mother, and found how she is cataloging her books using Library Thing.

This is just what I need. I have so many books, and so many children's books, and now that I have the books from my father's collection, I have some duplicates and need some sorting help!

Plus I already have a Cue Cat so this should make it easier.

IF anyone needs a Cue cat, I have an extra one. It plugs into a keyboard port (purple) also has an extra plug so that you can attach it to your keyboard cord. I'll post a picture tomorrow.

In less than an hour I've entered 37 books and tagged them .
SO this is pretty great. I'm using the Cue Cat so it goes VERY easy.
The only drawback so far is that some of my books are old and do not have an ISBN number.
You can enter them with the title, so I'll make a separate pile of those books.

The list is public. But I haven't found a way to post the website on my blog yet.

This may be a great way for us to share books. Among the Catholic, homeschool and friends that read the blogs we can see what books be can borrow from each other.

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