Purple, my favorite color. What's yours?
What Your Favorite Color Purple Says About You: |
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a woman's heart .. tumbled by the Sea of Life!!...Sea Glass, once part of a whole, now after being cracked & broken, water & sand have softened the edges & created a new artistic form. A metaphor for a person who has evolved through various passages, soft & hard sides of life, into something new & beautiful. I'm a Catholic wife and mom of 3. Living Lord guided homeschooling near the ocean. Our adventures in learning, digital scrapbook, diary & learning log.
What Your Favorite Color Purple Says About You: |
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Esther has tagged me for the following meme: 8 Things about Me. - I think are Interesting................
“Each player lists 8 facts/habits about themselves. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning before those facts/habits are listed. At the end of the post, the player then tags 8 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.”
1. I was a Navy brat and went to 4 elementary schools: Naples, Italy; Pensacola, FL; Kansas City, MO; and Nanakuli, Hawaii. 3 Jr hi schools: Pearl City, Hawaii; Council Bluffs, Iowa; San Diego, CA. ONE High School: San Diego. One undergrad College: SDSU. One Grad college – University of Dallas (see #6 below)
2. Because I lived all over, I don’t have a “best friend that I’ve had all my life.”
It sometimes bothers me that I don’t even have a “best friend”; just a few “good friends”. There are a couple friends I would like to say were my best friend, but since I know I am not THEIR best friend, well…I think it is supposed to go both ways... so, they are missing out! However, I do have 3 cousins that I think are very close friends that I have known all my life. But they all live in Iowa.
3. I had emergency surgeries 6 weeks after having BOTH of my (birthed) babies. [James is adopted]
After Katherine I had emergency D&C for these huge blood clots that were coming out – and I had severe cramping pains- worse than labor?– because some placenta got left behind.
After Derek I had emergency Gall Bladder removal. I thought I was having a Heart Attack and we called 911. [Got to ride in ambulance for 1st time; Was in hospital 4 days]
Both times my mom took my babies home with her and cared for them. Luckily I did not lose ability to breast feed, because…..
4. I LOVED breastfeeding my babies. Katherine nursed for 22 months; Derek 26 months. [maybe i was a wet-nurse in former life]
5. I inherited good genes for great eyesight, hearing, and I get many compliments on my hair and fingernails… to which I reply “I have good genes.”
6. I have a Master’s in Theology from IRPS – University of Dallas. It took 3 years of one weekend a month to complete here in San Diego. It was a combo of teachers from the Diocese of SD and the professors from UD flying in to teach.
7. My husband & I worked at the same law firm. We were friends before we dated.
On our first official date I told him I was looking for a husband and wanted kids. If he didn’t want the same then there was no reason to go on another date. (I was 23, he was 31)
8. last one……. OK I confess I’m addicted to TV. I love my DVR. Plus my DVD recorder – so I can record shows on DVD forever!! Very helpful for kids to watch TV shows in the car. I love reality & competition shows…. Miami Ink – about tattooing, (YEAH – Kat will have her own show LA Ink in Aug); Run’s House, Top Chef, Top Design, Girls Next Door, and Oprah and Martha. Also hospital shows: Grey’s Anatomy, ER, House. Discovery Health, History Channel. The Planet Earth Show was awesome. Digging for the Truth, 1,000 places to See Before You Die. Travel Channel’s Samantha Brown. Food Channel: Unwrapped. I’m a night owl and usually stay up hours after everyone has gone to sleep and watch TV until 12 or 1 a.m.
OK - I've looked around and found most everyone has already done this.
Our Lady's Color - - Blue, as a liturgical color is not in use throughout the Church, but is used in some places at certain times. It is the color specially associated with Our Lady and indicates constancy, fidelity, genuineness, and aspiration. By special indult, some dioceses of Spain must use blue vestments instead of white on the feast of the Immaculate Conception and during it's octave. Mexico has the same privilege as also does Lourdes, France.The idea that blue is peculiarly Our Lady's color is quite modern and confined to the Western cultures. It has been popularized by pictures and statues, and perhaps especially by St. Bernadette's statement that Mary appeared to her wearing a blue sash.In England, blue has been a token of fidelity at least since the 16th century ("true blue"). There is an expression in French, Vouer au blanc et au bleu, literally, "To dedicate to the White and Blue." It signifies the dedication of a child to Our Lady.----------------------------------------------------------Taken from:A Wreath of Flowers: Marian Activities for ChildrenDumb Ox Publications
Prayer to Our Lady after Holy Communion
Article on Adopted children and how they don't always look like parents at FOXnews.com
If Your Daughter Doesn't Look Like You, Are You Still Her Mother?
Thanks Esther for the topic & article.
I get asked most often why my oldest son (adopted) has dark brown hair while my other two (birthed) are blond while I have brown hair. I try to say "God made them that way" Instead of going into genetic possibilities ..... my dad had black hair & brown eyes........
and making split second decisions about whether to tell this nosy stranger about how my 3 miracle children came to make us a family. James is very happy to let people know he is adopted. I usually look to him to answer the question based on how he wants to each day.
I guess haven't really written yet about our children. As you have learned, James is adopted. After almost 3 years of infertility treatments, drugs, shots, surgery, testing...................
An adoption attorney down the hall from Geoff's office knew we were trying (I was Geoff's legal secretary for a while) and he asked us if we wanted to adopt a baby that was due in a month. The parents that were set up to adopt backed out. So we had 1 month - Feb 25th 1997 to March 29, 1997
Then after a couple years we went to try and adopt through the County adoptions office and they said it was a long wait. SO we went back to the Dr. and were pregnant probably that month - Feb 1999 and Katherine was born Dec 1999. Then we were blessed with a baby in heaven Dec 24, 2001 and finally our miracle Derek was born Oct 2002.
4th grade lesson plans are for us to learn the 50 states, their capitals and location on the map. I decided it would be easier if we all work on the same thing. Katherine needs something fun & interesting to work on since she has pretty much finished 1st grade and has decided that she doesn't need to start 2nd grade yet, even though I bought the materials.
I found this song Nifty Fifty States, sung by a chorus. There are other lyrics but the important part is the alphabetical order of the states. James is writing out the 50 states and their capitals. (I just happened to snap the pic when he was itching his eye) He is using the Melissa & Doug puzzle. The piece lifts out and the capital is underneath. I was busy searching the internet and printing out the list of states & capitals. I was very happy he was handwriting it out without me asking him too.
I finally joined Enchanted Learning. Paid my $20 and printed out lots of copies of the USA and the Western States to start with.
Printed out California Map/Quiz, with the state and 10 questions about landmarks.
Printed out a booklet for Derek & Katherine on "Where I live" Early Reader Booklet.
I was overwhelmingly shocked when I checked on Derek's paper and he had copied the words on the line below. He writes his name, but we don't work on his letter writing. It wasn't perfect, but for a 4 yr old without practice it was pretty impressive. And He chose to do it without thinking if he could or should. I thought he was coloring. His coloring is pretty good too.
From Soul Scents email........................
Be prepared. You're up against far more than you can handle on your own. Take all the help you can get, every weapon God has issued, so that when it's all over but the shouting you'll still be on your feet. Truth, righteousness, peace, faith, and salvation are more than words. Learn how to apply them. You'll need them throughout your life. God's Word is an indispensable weapon. In the same way, prayer is essential in this on going warfare. Pray hard and long. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Keep your eyes open. Keep each other's spirits up so that no one falls behind or drops out. Ephesians 6:13-18 (The Message)
Do you ever struggle to forgive yourself? I know I have. There have been times I’ve been so overcome with my faults that I literally pictured my hand with a knife, stabbing my heart. Perceived failure hurt so badly it seemed my heart deserved such assault.
Thank God, He’s showing me how to don the breastplate of righteousness.
Much of the enemy’s attack on our souls comes in the form self-doubt and self-hatred. Satan comes against our identity as a Saint saved by grace and tells us we’re full of blame and deserve death.
Before we received Christ’s salvation that was true. But it’s not any longer. Christ’s salvation took away all need for punishment.The breastplate of righteousness is an important part of our armor because when we are hopeless against our own failure and shame, we are given Christ’s imputed righteousness.
Imputed is an old King James word that many today don’t understand, but I just love. It means, when used this way, “to attribute (merit) to a person as transmitted by another.”*We don’t have to despair because Christ gave us HIS righteousness. The enemy wants us to kill off the heart that loves Jesus. He wants our hearts deadened. Shutdown. Afraid to love, serve, and believe passionately. Satan wants us full of self-doubt, failure, and shame. He assaults our heart. But Christ died to take away all condemnation.
Jesus says, “Don’t worry, I’ve given you my perfection. You meet the standards of all that is good because I put my righteousness into your heart.”
I love the way the Matthew Henry says it. “The righteousness of Christ, imputed to us, is a breastplate against the arrows of Divine wrath. The righteousness of Christ implanted in us, fortifies the heart against the attacks of Satan.”
**These days God has given me a new picture. As I receive Christ’s gift of salvation and understand that His righteousness is now mine, I put on the breastplate of righteousness. The breastplate is impenetrable. If I give into the temptation to pick up that knife to punishment my heart, the knife can no longer meet its mark. It clangs against the steel breastplate and falls harmlessly to the ground. Next time you are tempted to punish yourself for your failures, remember that Christ has given you His imputed righteousness. Picture the breastplate protecting your heart and let the self-condemnation fall away, never hitting its mark.
Stand firm then . . . with the breastplate of righteousness in place. Ephesians 6:14b (NIV)
~Paula Moldenhauer
*The American Heritage Dictionary** Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible
If you would like to receive Paula's Soul Scents go to this link
Katherine preparing to receive her First Eucharist. Waiting in the vestibule for Mass to begin.
Our Parish: The Immaculata, University of San Diego campus.
Over at Camp Homeschool she is as busy as we are.
Geoff's been outside planting flowers and mowing the lawn, it looks beautiful.
I ran errands and kept the kids OUT of the clean house.
We're having ham (I have it) & chicken - We have to pick up 10 at costco along with picking up the Ice Cream Cake on the way home.
I still need to set out tables and chairs. I stopped at party city today and picked up some cute "Hawaiian" tablecloths.
Now on to vacuum one last time!
Over on the 4Real Learning Forum there is a wonderful list of children receiving their First Holy Eucharist this weekend.
Thanks to the Catholic Mothers Blog List I found The Thinking Mother, and found how she is cataloging her books using Library Thing.
This is just what I need. I have so many books, and so many children's books, and now that I have the books from my father's collection, I have some duplicates and need some sorting help!
Plus I already have a Cue Cat so this should make it easier.
IF anyone needs a Cue cat, I have an extra one. It plugs into a keyboard port (purple) also has an extra plug so that you can attach it to your keyboard cord. I'll post a picture tomorrow.
In less than an hour I've entered 37 books and tagged them
SO this is pretty great. I'm using the Cue Cat so it goes VERY easy.
The only drawback so far is that some of my books are old and do not have an ISBN number.
You can enter them with the title, so I'll make a separate pile of those books.
The list is public. But I haven't found a way to post the website on my blog yet.
This may be a great way for us to share books. Among the Catholic, homeschool and friends that read the blogs we can see what books be can borrow from each other.
OK all who blog and anyone who want to be bloggers.
A new Blog called, "Moms Who Blog" has been set up to teach us all new tips & tricks.
There are mulitple contributors and they all have excellent blogs and will teach us a lot. How to set up a blog, how to make it look nice.
Good I have a few questions............
There is also a Cafe Mom site with a Forum and they take and answer questions.
I was tagged by Esther at A Catholic Mom in Hawaii to list the books I'm reading.
I did lots of reading last month, so I was in a bit of a lull. Plus getting ready for the party this weekend is taking lots of time for shopping for food and cleaning the house.
I just picked up these two books at Costco on Monday:
I love the picture on this one and it references one of my favorite books The Red Tent on the cover. So I'm hoping it is good too. So far I'm in the first few pages of being introduced to Joann, wife to Herod's chief steward. She went to Jesus for healing and met Mary, and later found out they were cousins (I haven't read the family tree info yet, just that they are cousins)
This one is just for fun. I've been wanting to read it for a long time and now it is going to be a movie, so I thought I would read it before the movie comes out.
I was a nanny in college so I was seeing if anything I can relate to happens to her.
So far it is so-so. She is not that interesting and the child is a brat, who does warm up to her but the mother and father are disinterested parents, living selfishly, in their own worlds - - what did they even have a child for???
I got this out during lent, but was reading lots of other things. It was in my hand to put it away on Monday and I flipped to the pages for last week. I was struck and had to sit down to read the chapters on the Real Presence, and the gifts we receive in the Holy Eucharist. Since Katherine & I are studying this, I read some out loud to her. How the Holy Eucharist helps us to fight off Mortal and Venial sins. How the Eucharist is food for our souls, and helps us to grow in holiness ( like food helps our bodies to grow). Very timely. So onto the bedstand it stays.
Good news, bad news. The good news is that our family room is DONE!
and my new bookshelves are ready to be filled! Good news is that I can empty those boxes of books that are in the closet! sad news is that 2 of those boxes are books that belonged to my father who passed away a year ago Feb. Good news, we shared a similar taste in Catholic Books.
This was one of his books. I picked up Blessed Faustina's Diary during Lent, but just couldn't tackle that thick book. This book is easier for me. It is broken down by daily doses and each month has a theme. So her rabbit trails are condensed into topics and given together.
This has been on my nightstand for a long time. I can only read it when I'm in the mood. I tried harder and read a lot of it during lent. But it has been a few weeks since I've picked it up. I just can't imagine being able to remember the words of Jesus paragraphs at a time and being able to write them down later. Maybe that's why I'm not a writer (can't you tell?) But she and HE have interesting conversations and you can find nuggets of gold in there. Sometimes finding just what you need to hear from Jesus.
I'm quizzing Katherine to get her ready for her First Communion this Sunday! So much to know for a 7 year old. I'm so excited for her to be receiving Jesus and to grow in holiness and faith!
Well, if you read this YOU are tagged! Let us know what you are reading......
I'll have to think of some friends to tag.